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DDYS-XT-J-1030 李晨《春》
浏览次数:1120次 更新时间:2017-11-24



Li Chen graduated from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently a professor at the Academy, a graduate research supervisor. He also works as the Associate Director and Secretary General of the Illustrated Storybooks Committee within the CAA, a judge at the 12th National Fine Art Exhibition, as well as a judge at the National Fine Art Exhibition for the Youth.



所有关于艺术创造的工作,在旁人看来似乎都是依靠突如其来的灵感,但事实并非如此。与其说是灵感,不如说是职业,这是你的工作,你有一套应对这件事的办法,它不是灵感,是极理智的     ---李晨


Outsiders often think that artistic creations are born out of a flash of inspiration, when in reality Art is a profession of rational and logical problem-solving.

                                          -----Li Chen